Sunday, October 24, 2010

Steinbeck, Welty, and Wright

John Steinbeck

As I read Steinbeck’s introduction and bio, I was amazed. I thought it was really cool that most of the stories he wrote were set in the place he was born. I also thought it was great that he could sympathize with migrant workers. I found it sad, though, that he had to do so many different jobs but I guess those jobs just gave him more experience and more to write about. I thought Steinbeck’s story “Flight” was really good and I definitely enjoyed reading it. I think this story was a great way to show how there are some decisions that people have to make that can change them from a child to an adult. Pepe was lazy and never really seemed to do anything, but it seemed as if his mother loved him the most of all of her children. Pepe just wanted to fool around and play all day. His mother gave him a simple task and told him exactly what to do. Of course Pepe is like almost every other child in the world and decides to do what he wants. He got into a fight with another man at a family friend’s house and the way I took it, Pepe killed the other man with his father’s knife. He had come home to tell his mother and get her help so he could run from the people who had seen him kill this man. His mother helped him and sent him off to the mountains. Pepe was doing well for a while it seemed. He had managed to hide from people and then everything took a turn for the worst. Pepe’s horse was shot and could no longer take him anywhere so Pepe had to leave th horse on the trail and go alone with his gun. He got shot in the hand and it ended up getting infected. He was so weak and could not go very far before he had to rest. He was finally found and killed. I felt a little ad for Pepe. He was just a boy running and errand for his mother and one bad decision led to a mistake that forced him to become a man really fast. He was only trying to defend himself from the other man who was provoking him. He could not just stand there and take it. In the end, Pepe was suffering from many different things. He was wounded, tired, and dehydrated. I think it was awful how the story ended, but Pepe was suffering and I think death was his only way to escape the suffering.

Eudora Welty

I found the story “Powerhouse” to be a little confusing. I was not sure if Powerhouse was singing or telling a story. I am guessing he was telling a story as he and his and were playing music. I found his story to be quite interesting though. I liked how Eudora Welty described every possible thing she could. I could imagine all of the sounds and the setting of this story. I could imagine the way that powerhouse looked and acted while he was performing. She was very descriptive and that is the only way I can read and comprehend stories. Powerhouse was playing for these people and taking their requests. They were playing a waltz and he started telling a story. He was talking about his wife who had killed herself. He had received the news in a telegram from a man named Uranus Knockwood. He went on and on with this story telling how his wife had jumped put the window at a hotel. She thought Powerhouse was coming to her and he never showed up so she killed herself. Uranus Knockwood found her and took her away. The band and all of the people watching them had taken an intermission and went to a local bar where he began telling the story to people there. He met with a real town hero who had saved quite a few people. He also had a waitress listening to his story. The way I took it she felt bad for him. Powerhouse must not like to think about this story because once they returned from the bar they started playing something completely different and the story never came back up. I felt bad that Powerhouse lost his wife while he was touring and playing for people but he did not seem very upset about it. I guess this shows that different people have different ways of dealing with things.

Richard Wright

I enjoyed reading “Native Son” very much. It was an intriguing story and I was surprised how it ended. Bigger was only going to get a job so he could help his family. This was what many people had to do back then. They would quit school and get jobs or help out around their house. Bigger was so worried about what the white people who lived near the Dalton’s would think of him. He was also afraid of what the family would think of him. He wanted the job so bad and he was so nervous. He thought of himself as a fool because he had not come completely prepared with the paper already out and ready to hand to Mr. Dalton. He was happy when he got the job and then he thought he had lost it because of the Dalton’s daughter. He was relieved to know that he got to keep his job. He had to take the daughter to “the university” the first night he was on the job. She led him to a completely different place and I do not think Bigger was very comfortable about taking her to a different place. They got her boyfriend and went out for a good time. Bigger was not at all thrilled about taking them to a black restaurant and he definitely did not want to go in with them. He did anyways and his girlfriend just laughed in his face. The two talked to Bigger about helping him and his people because that was what they wanted to do. After they left the restaurant, they drove around for a while and Mary and Jan got drunk. Bigger dropped off Jan and took Mary home. Mary was too drunk to get herself up to her room so Bigger had to help her. When they got to her room, she was practically asleep, so Bigger was going to take advantage of her. Of course, Mary did kiss him first, but she was drunk and did not know what she was doing. Bigger was buzzed and knew exactly what he was doing. He did not want to get caught by Mary’s mother, so he suffocated her. He did not do it on purpose, but he should have known that she could not breathe under the pillow. By the time he realized what he had done, it was too late. Mary was dead and the only thing Bigger could do now was run for his life.

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