Friday, October 1, 2010

Robert Frost

I think, by far, “The Road Not Taken” has to be my favorite poem of all time. I see this poem as a wonderful story of the way decisions can impact a person’s life. The narrator had a choice that had to be made when he had come to these two roads in the woods. He looked down one but ultimately chose the other because it looked as if it had not been travelled. I think this choice shows the narrator is a risk taker. They could have taken the path that other people had already gone down, but they wanted to be different and go their own way. The choice the narrator made changed their life forever. This poem can be applied to anyone’s life and the decisions they have to make. Who know what would have happened had the narrator chosen to go the other way? This is like many decisions people have to make each day. No matter what a person decides to do, their choice will impact their life in some way just like the narrator’s choice impacted his life.

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is another great poem. It is about a person who is riding their horse and just stops to look at the woods. They take in all of the beauty surrounding them. I think the horse shaking his bells is like a reminder to the rider of what they were doing before they stopped. To me, this poem signifies that no matter how busy we can get sometimes, we all just need to stop every once in a while and look around at all of the beauty that surrounds us. I think it also shows that we can get a little distracted from time to time and we need little reminders to keep us on track.

“Acquainted with the Night” is a great poem as well. The narrator talks about walking to the city limits and back and in rain. They also talk about passing a guard and not wanting to explain their situation. The narrator says that there is nobody looking for him and people will not walk toward him. All of this leads me to believe this poem is talking about a homeless person who roams the streets at night.

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