Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Help Kathryn Stockett

I cannot say that I truly had just one favorite character. The three main women, Minny, Aibileen, and Miss Skeeter, were all favorites of mine. I liked Minny because she reminds me a lot of my grandmothers. She is storng and tries to be strong for everyone, but you can tell she is just trying to hide the fear she has deep inside. She wants to make sure everyone is alright and she takes care of herself last. She let Skeeter put the story in the book about the pie so she could protect the rest of the maids who had put their stories in the book. She also takes extremely good care of not only her own family, but also the people she works for. She will put up with a lot but you know when she has had enough. Both of my grandmothers are exactly like this. They are strong and very caring. They always put themselves after their families and they are both very protective. I liked Aibileen because she was like a mother figure to everyone. She cared about the people that she should probably not care a lot about to begin with. I loved how she would tell Mae Mobley everyday that she was kind, smart, and important. This was something she would have never heard from her own mother and I think that is just downright sad. I liked Skeeter because she was so brave. She stood up for what she thought was right and she would not let anyone change her mind. I liked how she took the risk of writing the book knowing she could be in a lot of trouble if it came out she was the author. She did not even care; she just did not want the people who had helped her to get into any trouble. All of these women were brave, kind, and strong and that is what ultimately made them my favorites.

I think that Skeeter’s mother is a little more sympathetic near the end of the novel than she was in the beginning. All she could do in the beginning was criticize Skeeter and tell her what she needed to fix instead of what made her beautiful. I do not think I could have ever lived with that woman because it seems to me like nothing I did would ever be good enough. Towards the end of the story, when she started criticizing Hilly, I thought she was a little more sympathetic toward Skeeter. For once she was not commenting on something Skeeter was wearing or the way her hair was fixed, she was doing to someone else instead. She also did not seem to criticize her as much when she was with Stuart.

It bothered me a lot that Skeeter was willing to overlook Stuart’s faults so she could get married. I do not think she was truly in love with him; she just wanted to marry him to make her mother happy. All her mother could talk about was her meeting a guy and getting married. I could not believe the way Stuart treated her on their first date. I understand that he was not ready to date yet, but I think the way he acted was foolish. I know if a guy were to treat me like that on a date, I would never go out with him again. I also did not think it was fair that she had to overlook the way he treated her, but he could not overlook the book. She was open and honest with him, and the truth about the book would probably have never gotten out in town because Hilly did not want it to.

I think that Mae Mobley would not have grown up to be racist had Aibileen stayed. Aibileen was teaching her that black and white people were the same and I believe that Mae mobley understood that. She was young when she was taught that, but I have always been told that you should teach children when they are young. She loved Aibileen, and I think she would have known it would hurt Aibileen if she turned out like her mother. I liked how Mae Mobley also tried to teach her brother the thing Aibileen taught her. I also thought it was very brave of Mae Mobley to cover for Aibileen and blame it on her teacher. This showed how much love Mae Mobley had for Aibileen.

I thought that what Minny did to Hilly’s pie was hilarious. I t was nasty but I laughed when I read that. I think the thing that made it funniest for me was the fact that Minny practically warned Hilly the day before. I also thought it was funny that Hilly’s mother won the pie for Hilly at the Benefit. I know that I would have never gone as far a Minny did though. I would have never been brave enough to do anything like that. I was shocked that she even did that. She was already known around town for stealing. If this pie incident happened to get out, she would have never been able to get another job anywhere.

When I first saw this book and how long it was, I thought I would hate having to read this book. Reading is definitely not one of my favorite things to do unless I find a book I like. The Help has now officially been added to my list of books I enjoy reading. I was dreading reading this novel, but once I started reading; I did not want to stop. The ending was a little disappointing to me though. I am really hoping that Kathryn Stockett decides to write another book telling what happens to everyone after this book ended. I want to know if Minny got back at her husband and finally moved on, or if Skeeter did well in New York, or if Aibileen got another job or just retired!

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